Thursday, 3 March 2011

So Long but Hopefully Time Well Spent

Its been a while since I last posted but it has been time well spent.  I have chosen the veg for the plot this year and it has been ordered and arrived!  Well, everything but the onion sets.  So I will give you the low down on the choices... hope I haven't gone too crazy!

Old Favourites

From last year the raspberries are remaining as I have already discussed. The blueberries and the lavender will also make and appearance again although in new locations.
The strawberries are also remaining and hopefully get a decent crop this year.  I set about the strawberry patch a couple of weekends ago and man I can now say - keep on top of your strawberries!  I didn't, last year I didn't get round to ensuring that the runners where into pots and also to stop even more spread.. bad move.
The plan was to extend the patch by the same size again.  In the end it wasn't quite double, nettle roots are insane to try and remove - life is too short!!  As you may remember, last year, after sheep and rabbit attack my strawberry plants numbered 15.  After leaving nature to take its course I must have had about 100 plants!  At least I had a good choice for which to keep and re plant.  The rest where bagged up and sent to Farm Mum for her to take her pick and/or distribute the rest amongst her veggie growing friends and neighbours!

So what's new?

Parsnips - Gladiator

This is supposedly the worlds first hybrid parsnip and should be disease resistant and quick to establish... so we shall see..
Celery - Granada
I picked these as they are disease tolerant and apparently give a good yield. As a first time celery attempt I needed all the help I can get!
French Bean - Cobra
I've always wanted to try french beans so picked a nice easy one. I am also looking into beautifying the patch so these with their purple flowers should help!
Runner Bean - Polestar
These are the runner beans from last year and as they did so well I have no choice but to get them going again! We are still eating the ones we popped in the freezer last year.
Brussel Sprout - Bosworth F1 Hybrid
These guys are returning from last year as they proved themselves in the plot last year. If they can survive this hill then they deserve to return!
Carrot - Marion
Trying a new kind of carrot this year, not that the others weren't any good just wanted to try another type to help find the best. I may plant some of the others anyway if I have room!
Cabbage - Candisa
Thought I would give these a go too. Have to admit I'm not a huge cabbage fan but it is a handy thing to have.
I got most of these seeds from Marshall Seeds which is also where I got the photos - thanks.

I am also trying lettuces in an old water trough which I have put outside my kitchen door.  It is a winter variety so I have planted them already do hopefully I will be able to get some photos once there is something to photograph!  Other things you may see in the plot are Kale, Sweetcorn (I WILL grow sweetcorn!!!) and spring onions.

Phew... hope my work isn't cut out with this lot.

Oh yeah.... and potatoes!

1 comment:

  1. The hard part is getting it all in...once it's on it's way it's great. I did really well with my sweetcorn last year.. :-)

    I have never had much luck with parsnips but have purchased the same variety as you this year so fingers crossed for the both of us!!


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