Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Happy Easter All

Hope everyone had a good Easter weekend whatever you got up to!

We had a lovely day out on the Saturday with family. Picnic at our local park with lots of food. A walk for farm Dog. Playing on the swings and see saw and a trip on a miniature railway for farm baby and grandad!

I took a shot at making some Easter cupcakes for the day out. Creme Egg ones and marshmallow sheep! They came out better than I expected, my decorating skills aren't the best! They tasted pretty good too!

Farm Baby also got a new dress and sunhat for Easter. I just managed to get them both finished in time, just seemed to keep running out of stuff or the various machines breaking down!

A great day out, tiring and enjoyable!

1 comment:

  1. The cakes look great!!!

    Farm babies hat and dress are beautiful...pity the weather has turned cooler and it's not really warm enough to wear them yet...here's praying for lots of warm days throughout summer so she gets lots of chance to wear them!!

    Love the picture of farm dog..he/she is gorgeous!!


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