Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Don't Tell Any One But...

Shhhh... we've seen a house that we like!!! We are considering putting an offer in on it. It is a lot less than the properties that we have been looking at but needs some work done on it, but as it is less, we would have the money to spare!
It is a beautiful old Georgian style farmhouse, 3 bedrooms. It has a small bit of land but the farmer is willing to rent out more as and when it may be needed (possibly with the chance to buy it in the future). There is one large cow shed, perfect for conversion to stables and some old outbuildings, again good for potential conversion in the future.
The house as I say needs some work but is livable. Needs a new kitchen and could do with another bathroom. The central heating needs repair but there are open fires and plenty of scope for electric heaters in the mean time. There are two holes in the ceiling and they will be the main reason why we change our minds. We are waiting to see the surveyors opinion on those, as one was caused by water damage.
I feel I am painting a rather dim view of the house. Apart from what I have mentioned the house apepars solid and well laid out. There is plenty of scope for development and of putting our 'own mark' on the inside, without the thought of 'well, it doesn't really need doing' that accompanies looking at a newly refurbished house and thinking 'I just don't like that kitchen!'.
Once we hear more from our solicitor then I will let you guys know too. Until then it is all hush hush! LOL You'll just have to tune in and see!

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