So gang, Christmas has passed and we are hurtling towards the New Year. I hope ever one had a good and eventful Christmas day and Santa was good to them all. She left her letter to Santa (yes, she wrote it herself LOL) and her stocking was stuffed the next morning! Santa was raining down the gifts for Farm Baby's first Christmas and she was somewhat stunned by the whole event, but I think she enjoyed herself overall.
The Christmas dinner was great and I was really chuffed as all the only vegetables I had to add to the mix was a sweet potato and a parsnip. All the other vegetables were from our own garden and in the case of Brussels garden fresh. It is quite a nice feeling to wander down to the vegetable patch, snow crunching under foot and in this dead looking landscape find something sweet and edible! And there are still Brussels to go, about three plants worth. I also noticed peaking out from beneath the snow, the strawberry plants still going strong and I cannot wait for next season. One reason being that Santa brought me a full jam making set so I am raring to go on the strawberries, I hope there are plenty!
So what does the New Year bring for the farm. Well, hopefully we will finally see the addition of some livestock this year in the form of chickens for definite. I have been pondering a goat for so long now that it may be in the offing and, while we are dreaming, a Shetland pony would be up there on the list too!
In the garden there will be many changes with the addition of a new raised tyre bed, a new potato patch, so that the old patch can be given over to another crop and there will be a new cold frame (kinda) area if I can convince Farm Dad to use his newly learned wall building skills. This will hopefully help out the strawberries and make lettuces more likely to survive.
In addition to the garden I hope to add my greenhouse. Not sure if we'd get it up in time for growing this year, all these plans take time but it is in the list of things to be done!
Next thing to do is choose and order all the seeds for this year... can't wait to get started in the garden again!
Wishing you a very happy new year and I look forward to seeing what additions you get on the farm.