Its been a while since a garden-y related post so I thought I would get you all up to speed. It has been a busy time. As you can see the hens have been laying like crazy. I love just looking at the eggs, SO MANY different colours! 'Aint it purdy!? You can really see the difference of the Wheaten Marans' chocolatey coloured eggs when they are all together like this.
The garden has continued to produce. The summer raspberries are, I think, beginning to give up but just behind them the autumn fruiters are taking their place. The strawberries too have done their thing, this is the last that the patch had to offer.
The broad beans have had the perfect weather, some days of heavy rain and then warm sun, they went crazy. Great big fat pods. The peas are catching up fast too. The runner beans have started to flower, better late than never and just this afternoon I planted out some french beans! Taa Da! This is the third batch I am trying and it has taken this long to encourage them not to die!
Garlic has been pulled and is hanging to dry. I did have photos but it looked like what it was, a bunch of mud covered garlic hanging in a dark shed, I saved you the boredom.
It has certainly been a busy place, the veggie patch, these last few weeks. I shall keep you updated as things progress further! I am hoping to try more winter growings this year so I shall be getting to grips with those soon!
I love the photo of the cat in the trug...they always end up in the most unusual places don't