Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Wordless Wednesday - PaparCatzi

This is a not-so-wordless-Wednesday to introduce you to the latest in the Blogging team. From now on our wordless Wednesday's will be brought to you by our very own team of Papar-CAT-zis. As you can see, expertly modelled by our own Monty, is the Cat Cam. This is a lightweight stills camera that our boys will take shots with around the farm. They will photograph where humans do not dare to tread, and perhaps we will see something we never knew existed.

Our first few Wednesdays will be mainly around the house and barns so I can ensure that the camera
a) works
and, most importantly,
b) the cats are happy and comfortable with the camera.

So far our little pap-cats have been perfectly happy with their equipment, they don't seem to notice it is there.

There is a nice handy banner now which you can click for the latest PaparCATzi photos if you miss our Wednesday posts! See the example below... now on with Wordless -ed Wednesday!!

So here is our Papar-CAT-zi first attempts. Please excuse the blurriness - they are still getting the hang of the camera settings and tripod!


  1. Great idea. They've taken some good piccies.

  2. oh these are great...I really should think of getting one for my cat...I think they take better photos than

  3. You know how much I absolutely adore cats so I think this is just a great post!


I'd love to hear what you think! Please leave a message!