Thursday 4 April 2013

Gardening with a Rooster

Last weekend I decided to hit the garden and get some seeds planted out, nothing overly fancy, basically I decided to have a bed that used up all those seeds that have been sitting around going past their plant by date!

Helping me out was my all time favourite chicken.  Not sure of the politically correct term for him but Differently Enabled seems the best!  He suffered what I can only describe as a chicken stroke and couldn't walk.  I have had a hen do the same and with patience and time she came around and now, besides a slight robotic style limp, is absolutely fine.  I am hoping with the same time and effort my little pal will do the same, he is already much better and hobbles around quite the thing. 

I took him into the patch with me and he sorted out all the beasties and bugs as I was digging, then came over and helped pick out the best seeds and their placement!

We found a mouse nest under the carpet that I had laid down on the bed over winter.  Empty of course!