Friday 22 January 2010
Making a Curtain - Part One
Thursday 21 January 2010
Making a Quilt - Part Three
The bind is now sewn in place but it still needs to be sewn on the back, which I will have to do by hand.
After this I just have the quilting part to do. I intend to 'Stitch in the Ditch' around all of the little squares. I am not going to try anything fancy on this first quilt. Just want to get to grips with the basics! I am still not sure that the block fabric isn't a bit fussy but I think it is looking better than I imagined so I have decided not to dwell on it any longer!!
Making a Quilt - Part 1
Making a Quilt - Part 2
Tuesday 19 January 2010
Making a Quilt - Part Two
Soon I had a centre of little squares with a border of block colour. Just needed to sew all those little squares on the outside!
The borders took sometime to cut out as I was still working with my tape measure as both measuring and straight line drawing device!! It was also at this point when I wondered if my block fabric was perhaps a little fussy, but it was still nice fabric so I was happy enough!!
Making Quilt Part 1
Monday 18 January 2010
Making a Quilt - Part One
First I sewed them into pairs....
Then into squares...
The centre panel for my quilt!
Thursday 14 January 2010
Baking Out Those Blues - (Blue Hands That Is!)
Tuesday 12 January 2010
Freeze a Crowd
It was cold, we couldn't wait to get back to the farm and get cozy - our fuel is running out as the oil firm are overwhelmed with orders so we had to make our last few drops count - but it is definitely better than being out here. We only got stuck once on the way up the hill - big cheer for the car.
Once at home the weekends proceeding started with a trip to the loo. Farm Guy reports that it doesn't flush, the cistern is empty. A check of the taps soon reveals that there is no water in the house. A phone call to farm Dad - what do we do? Farm Dad explains how the pipes work, that our water doesn't come to the house underground, it comes to the edge of the barns underground then passes along the ceiling of the barns until it reaches the house - go check.
We went "check"!
Frozen, in one place the pipe had burst we had a pipe shaped piece of ice between one joint and the rest of the pipe. Good thing it was frozen as the break was hanging over the furniture and unopened boxes being stored since the move. A trip down the yard to the stopcock left us uninspired, it was impossible to tell if we had turned the water off or not. Back inside to warm up and a call back to Farm Dad - he said he'd be there on Friday! A trip to Asda secured us some bottled water for drinking and washing. The toilet proved a quandary until we came up with the following instructions for all those attempting to flush the loo:
- Fill all possible buckets with snow.
- Put snow in all available pans.
- Melt on oven.
- Use to flush loo.
- Toilet flushing time - 25 minutes!!!
No unnecessary flushing people!!
A very wet Farm Dad stood in the Living Room doorway. Farm Guy had headed to the Hardware Store for extra pipes leaving Farm dad behind. Apparently whilst up his ladder Farm Dad had heard a noise that he thought to be the Farm Dog, he looked down to be meant by a fountain of water. The pipe he had been heating had finally defrosted right through and was now apparently working fine. He then had to battle through the spray to attach the new Stopcock to the end of the pipe and turn it off. He said he felt he was in one of those old war films when the Submarine gets a leak and they are trying to plug it up.
We sat him by the fire and got some tea on to try and defrost him!
By the end of Saturday all known bursts were fixed and the pipe was ready for flowing water. Sunday became the day of the hot water. Hot water and towels went into the barn, empty buckets and (I kid not) frozen stiff towels came out! More water was collected by the water acquisition team and the toilet was flushed as needed!
At 1.40pm a small trickle of water began in the kitchen! There was pandemonium, it was like the first time people had every thought of putting water into houses through pipes! Congratulations all round. By 2.15pm we could fill the kettle from the tap! Such luxury. By 5pm all taps were working properly and we had hot running water for the first time in four days. the pipes were all snuggle lagged and more tea was had. The only tap that didn't work was the hot tap in the kitchen. We couldn't work it out. Farm Dad sprayed the hallway as he disconnected a pipe to see 'if the water had made it this far'. Strange, but water in most places is better than nothing so we considered it a victory.
Farm Mum and Dad left and we went back to our lives.
Until 10pm. I discovered that the water pressure in the cold tap had dropped. Informing Farm Guy that I thought the pipes may be freezing back up he headed back out to the shed - he had another theory - he was right! One of the pipes in the shed, that just went to another tap in the byre, had been started on in the defrosting process and then abandoned as non-essential. It had now finished defrosting itself and was spraying all over the place. It too had been 'popped out' by the expanding ice inside and once it defrosted...
Off went the water again, at our nice new stopcock, and up the ladder went Farm Guy. It was simpler than we thought to fix but I wouldn't touch it people! Back on went the water and we trooped in to see if the pressure had returned. It had and we returned to a kitchen full of steam! The Hot Tap, which had been left on to catch the first signs of water was now working full flow and filling the room with steam and Hot Water spray! Hurray, working water and our own steam room.
Its been a couple of days now and things are warming up here, although they are threatening more freezing next week, but for now we are back to normal!
Friday 8 January 2010
A Tasty Find...
Most of the time I sneak a peek at other people's Favourite Blogs List, heck if someone else likes it then odds are it's a good one! Of course there is spotting those who leave comments on your own posts, a polite return visit often uncovers a multitude of fabulous information and stories. And then there is the comments left by others on some of your personal favourites. This is where I discovered my newest Blog to the list. The comment was left on an older post on a blog I read regularly. There was nothing special about the comment itself, no insights, no family history stories just a politely written compliment on the blogger's post. But something about that comment made me click on to find out who this person was. And I was rewarded with a great blog - Life At Cobble Hill Farm - I have been reading through all the archives recently and only become more glad that I clicked that link!
My husband decided that cream was the way to go when eating it but I thought it was amazing on its own... want to know how to make it? Well then, head on over to Cobble Hill and get the recipe - Blueberry Oven Pancakes - you will not be disappointed!
I love finding a new blog, especially ones about the country life: reading about others exploits, trials and experiences is always inspiring and always gives me plenty to think about! It lets me see other things happening that maybe I cannot achieve myself (for example some of the great fruit you guys grow may struggle in Scotland) but it still gives me the drive to do what I can with what I've got.
So thanks guys for all your inspiration!
And get on over to Cobble Hill - they're making pancakes...
Tuesday 5 January 2010
Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!
Monty finds the best way to deal with deep snow and cold feet is to run as fast as he can!
Well, Happy New Year everyone, and thanks for being patient with my updates, they will become more frequent as soon as possible!