Thursday, 30 April 2009
House Up-Date

Monday, 27 April 2009
Money Saving Ideas - Energy
Solar Power

Repair & Maintenance - The panels are hard wearing but as with anything they will deteriorate over time and as aresult will need replacing and, in the worst case, replacing. It will also be good practice to inform your house insurance company of them and ensure that they will also be covered.
Installation - there are many companies, and a quick search of the internet will show them, who are capable of installing the panels for you. But remember there will some time of disruption while the panels are fitted.
Asthetics - soalr panels are not overly offensive but be sure you are going to be happy with them in situ.
Wind Power
Wind power is obviously more suited towards those of us with more wind than the others! Often more rural places or those of us on higher ground will benefit more from the wind turbine. Before deciding on a wind turbine make sure you are going to get enough wind, unlike the solar panels (you are pretty much garenteed that the sun will rise tomorrow) you cannot be sure that it will be windy so these turbines will be useless on many days.

Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Tuesday 21nd April - Property Viewing
Chickens On Film!
Monday, 20 April 2009
Battery Hens

I do want to give you some more suitable posts once we get our own little flock but until then you will have to cope with only the excited musings of a desperate-to-be chicken owner. I would like to investigate the possiblities in chicken coops so this will also form the basis of my future posts.
Friday, 17 April 2009
Touch Wood...
The excitment is also being made worse by the fact that we have just found a property about 15 minutes from where we are now that, from looking at the schedule, has so much potential it could pop and is less than any of the places we had looked at before!
Monday, 13 April 2009
Herb Garden
In the middle a the front, in that attractive light green. A great herb to have, probably you have all seen it before as a garnish, that little piece of green that always causes the 'can I eat it?' query at meals. Well, you can! Parsley is often used as a garnish and this is how I use it, but often not as the 'lump' that restaurants do. Try chopping it up and sprinkling it over your lasagna or even mix it through mashed potato! There aren't many dishes that parsley won't brighten.
Stringy green, front right. There is only one thing I use these for and it is THE best. Cut them up with scissors and mix in the mashed potato. I know I said use parsley up there but that's only if you are out of chives. The oniony flavour is amazing in potato.
Grey/Green, on the left. I always like to put a few sprigs of this when I am roasting a chicken, great flavour and a beautiful smell. Try putting the sprig between the skin and the flesh of the chicken to allow the flavours to really permeate through the meat.
Saving Your Herbs
I found this wonderful way of preserving your herbs out of season! I had to share it with you. When your herbs are ready, cut them and chop them. Then put them into an ice cube tray. Fill the sections with water and freeze as normal. Then, when you need to use the herbs, just pop out a cube and put it straight in your recipe. Voila! Also, why not putting in single leaves of, for example, mint to make attractive and tasty ice cubes for drinks!!
So Many Tulips..
Thursday, 9 April 2009
Growing Your Own Salad Leaves

Now if you have been reading the previous posts you will know that I suggested getting yourself a calandar and that this would be important when we got to grow the Salad Leaves, well you'll soon find out why..
Sow your lettuce seeds as follows: fill your bowl almost to the top and pat down as discussed in the Seeding post. Sprinkle over 1/4 to 1/3 of the seeds in your packet and make sure they are evenly covering the surface. Sprinkle a light covering of soil over them, just enough to cover them all, again you can pat down gently. Now park your bowl wherever you wish, mine has been put straight out in the garden although if there is any sign of late frost I will move into the shed. By the way if you are planting in a bed, be a bit tidier in your sowing buy making furrows and spinkling the seeds along the furrow before covering over.
Whats the calandar for? Mark today as Phase 1: Lettuce. And mark off in two weeks time Phase 2: Lettuce, two more weeks Phase 3: Lettuce etc until you have accounted for all your seeds. Then, on your marked days, go back to your pot and sprinkle on the next batch of seeds. This will encourage your leaves to grow in 'waves' meaning you have a continuing supply of fresh salad. If you are planting in a bed then just make a new furrow each seeding week, so you end up with three or four rows of leaves at different stages.
And there you go, easy hassle free salad leaves...
I will get pictures of my plantings as soon as they are more interesting than a pot of mud!!
Tuesday, 7 April 2009
Preparing For and Planting Your Seeds - Sweetcorn

Monday, 6 April 2009
The Vegetables Begin

Today saw me planting out the yellow peppers and chillis into their pots. Without a greenhouse I have used some of the ever available plastic drinks bottles as little individual greenhouses. This means that I can get the little plants straight into the garden without worry.
I have also planted some sweetcorn seeds. These will be kept in our shed until the seedlings are strong and ready to go outside. Wondering where you would plant corn plants? Well, how about a pot, make it a reasonable size and you should get about four plants in one. These will also make great height for the back of a pot display on your porch or decking. Even grow them in your conservatory for a unique talking point.
I have also bumped out my strawberry plant crop with some new blood so hopefully this will result in some more fresh berries for some more strawberry jam.