So, once again another ridiculous length of time between posts! What's been happening? Well, the place looks worse than when we started! The whole roof had to come off, and I mean the WHOLE roof! We knew this would be the case but its still something when it actually happens!!
Once the roof was removed a whole load of internal walls needed to be taken out. This then allowed the floor levels to be determined. This is where we hit an issue. It was found that the floor level needed to be lowered a lot more than was previously thought. So, on average, two feet of soil needs to be dug out before the floor can be put back in again!
It's so hard to describe everything to give you a feel for it, from just these photos. The ones with those stall walls is the family room. The photo here ---> is possibly the best to show what is really being done. You can see the corridor on the right (notice the tiny bit of visible green wall? Remember that!) you can also see the fact that the back wall of this stall room has a room beyond, that will be the kitchen, all the walls are coming out. A double archway will replace that dividing wall there! Not sure that makes sense, ill have to make a floor plan.
These two pictures above show both the walls being taken out inside and how far the floor has dropped. In the first picture you can see the existing corridor and then in the lower picture you can see the remaining bit of painted green wall once the corridor wall is taken down. You can also see how much has been dug out.
The one above is taken from one end of the family room looking into what will be the kitchen, through an archway. Going to the right, from the kitchen, around the corner, will be the new raised dining room.
Above: Looking I through the new 'front' door hole. The window at the back will be the window of the smaller spare room.
Finally after two or so weeks of demolition things start looking better, the roof trusses arrive and they start being put in place. The roof that is shown having been done is over the (from left round) the family room, kitchen and dining room! The very last photo is the family room from inside the kitchen, you can see the hole that will lead to the corridor going to the two spare rooms, bathroom and cinema room.
Well it sounds like you have had a few 'ups' and 'downs' over the past few month but at least it's all getting sorted out now. Can't wait to get some more updated pictures soon!!