The workforce (my dad) has been working hard replacing some of the floor boards in our living room. It appeared that with a little
bit of damp and a lot of help from woodworm the floorboards near the window need replacing - as does the whole cupboard under the window! So he has been pulling up and nailing back down for a good week now. We decided to add some damp-proofing underlay as a help against the damp, although where it is coming in we believe has now been fixed. We will then need to sand down the whole floor and then varnish it. That's the plan anyway. The floorboards in the bedroom also need replacing and again the window surrounds. The guy who is coming to deal with the wood worm and dry rot (19th and 20th: mark it in your diaries!) will replace the boards upstairs for us, and a couple of joists!
As you can see the room looks a complete state! This is pretty much how the whole house looks! But we are still quietly confident that it will all get done. The addition of the pond has taken some load off my mind. For some reason, although there are much more important things to worry about, like do we have water and electricity the missing pond was really weighing heavy on my mind! It's strange how somethings suddenly become so important to you! But we gave it a couple of days and it's done and that an end to it!
I have to admit that I am enjoying the challenges created but I am really hating the fact that I cannot do more (stupid work!). I want to be there helping out and getting things done! But we are restricted to weekends only as we have NO holidays left. Well, we kind of do but we are really keen to get a nice week off at Christmas to enjoy our new home! And with two weddings this month that takes up holiday as well. Ah well! Once we are in we will have plenty of 'doing' time!
don't worry, it will all come good in the end...and when you get that time off at christmas you will be able to sit down, look around and no that YOU have achieved your goal!!